

“Life is one big experiment and I’m an AMAZING experimenter.”

This affirmation shows up as a notification every day on my phone and watch.

It’s a great reminder to take the pressure off. Nothing needs to be perfect because it never can be.

But so often we forget that. Our little fear brains tell us lies all day and it’s OK and all because it’s keeping us safe… just as long as you realize this is what your brain is doing!

Not everything is a threat. In fact most things are working out for you, you just have to make yourself aware of them.

Train your brain to see that and life will feel soooooo much more enjoyable.

If you want to have affirmations pop up every day the app I use is “Yapp” and it’s soooo fun. You have to populate it with your own affirmations but if you want some of mine:

– “Life is one big experiment and I’m an AMAZING experimenter.”
– “DECIDE that you DESERVE what you DESIRE.”
– “You are soooo freaking capable!”
– “I love you.”
– “Tell someone you love them.” (cuz lifting someone up lifts you up and it cycles allll around)
– ” You are POWERFUL af.”

This print is called “PRETTY EXPERIMENTS” — it was created on a day when I was trying some new processes and was willing to let go when it felt good enough. I’m loving the result!

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